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ITMA 2023 展品預覽丨常州宏大智慧科技即將登場米蘭:首創國際領先水平“全幅掃描整花整緯技術”
當前,智能化與綠色可持續發展依然是紡織行業發展的主流趨勢。四年一度的紡機盛會——2023國際紡織機械展覽會(ITMA 2023)如期到來,將于6月8-14日在意大利米蘭會展中心舉辦。以“創新重構材料世界”為主題的這次盛會,必定會給“變革紡織世界”帶來強有力的推動作用。
The ITMA 2023 will grandly open on 8’th of June in Milano Italy, Changzhou Hongda Technology(Group), as the enterprise of professional produced with printing and dyeing intelligent equipment, will be unveiled at this exhibition, our booth is located at H18-A305a , sincerely welcome to visit us amid the exhibition.
屆時,常州宏大攜旗下子品牌霍克威視在展會上聚焦紡織印染后整理智能化管控系統,隆重推出多項應用人工智能技術的紡織印染智能測控產品,如基于人工智能技術的Hawk vision?智能圖像整花整緯機和新一代人工智能技術定型機工藝執行系統。這些產品已在國內外眾多知名紡織印染廠生產應用,為企業大大提升智能化水平,減少用工,提高產品一次成功率提供了支撐,深受市場青睞和客戶好評。
At that time, Changzhou Hongda and its sub-brand Hawker will focus on textile printing and dyeing and finishing intelligent control system at the exhibition, and launch a number of textile printing and dyeing intelligent measurement and control products using artificial intelligence technology, such as artificial vision technology-based Hawk vision? intelligent image. Whole flower weft machine and new generation artificial intelligence technology setting machine process execution system. These products have been produced and applied in many well-known textile printing and dyeing factories at home and abroad, providing support for enterprises to greatly improve the level of intelligence, reduce labor and improve the success rate of products, and are well received by the market and praised by customers.
基于人工智能技術的Hawk Vision?智能圖像整花整緯機是霍克威視依托其強大的歐洲技術背景和常州宏大深厚的技術研發實力而研發生產的智能裝備,具有解決紡織品花形變形、緯斜、緯彎的世界領先技術和世界首創的全幅掃描整花整緯技術,該產品在國際上首次實現了對提花、色織、印花、蕾絲、繡花等具有圖案花型特征紡織品的自動檢測和花型整形。其研發了基于機器視覺的整緯技術,提高了整緯精度,擴大了品種適應性,解決了斜紋、磨毛、輕薄、厚重、雪紡等紡織品的整緯難題,打破了光電整緯和普通圖像整緯的技術局限性,大大提高了紡織品后整理的質量水平。該產品技術經中紡聯鑒定達國際領先水平,并榮獲中國紡織工業聯合會科學技術獎一等獎。
Based on artificial intelligence technology, Hawk Vision? intelligent image whole flower weft knitting machine is a smart equipment developed by HockVision based on its strong European technical background and Changzhou's profound technical research and development strength. It has solved textile flower shape deformation, weft and weft. Bent's world-leading technology and the world's first full-width scanning and full-weft technology, this product is the first in the world to realize automatic detection and pattern shaping of textiles with pattern patterns such as jacquard, yarn-dyed, printed, lace and embroidery. . It developed a weft-aligning technology based on machine vision, improved the precision of the whole weft, expanded the adaptability of the variety, solved the problem of the weft of the twill, sanding, thin, heavy, chiffon and other textiles, breaking the photoelectric weft and ordinary The technical limitations of image latitude greatly improve the quality of textile finishing. The product technology has reached the international leading level by China Textile Association and won the first prize of the Science and Technology Award of China Textile Industry Federation.